Ellis water 2 gallons
John ellis water is the Best Energy Water in the world.
We are reputable high rated seller!We only ship in PBA free food storage bags!
Beware of of sellers selling water in mylar bags It is lined with chemicals that effect the water! Mylar® is a clear material made from polyester resin. The silver effect comes from a lamination to foil or a metalized coating.We only sell true John Ellis water that has been distilled.John Ellis Water LWM-5 Living Water - 2 Gallons....This water is filtered Prior to being distilled with latest John ellis machine. We also use Reverse osmosis UV bulb and three bulbs while distilled.The John Ellis machine is set to the lowest possible flow rate to produce the most potent water that is distilled to the highest level.Sold in (8) 1 quart Foodsaver bags.Shipped within 1 Day Fresh.Please visit https://johnellis.com for more information